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Our Service to God is born out of our love for Him. It is every believer's desire to serve God and anchor our existence on ensuring His Kingdom is established here on Earth.

True love is made manifest when God gave His Only Begotten Son, who walked the earth without sin and paid the ultimate price on the cross of Calvary that the entire world might be free. Our salvation is by Grace and we have been given all it takes to live a new life in Christ free from sin and alive unto righteousness by God.

As Strong Nation, God is our source, it is in Him that we live, we move and have our being hence we stay Connected to God and pursue to live as led by His Spirit.

God has commanded us to love. In doing so and staying connected to God and standing here on Earth as His ambassadors, we are able to connect with others, making disciples of all men, spreading the love of God and inspiring many to server God with a loving heart.

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NCC Strong Nation Stevenage  — St Paul’s Court, Turpins Rise, Broadwater, Stevenage SG2 9SW
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01438 532504

NCC StrongNation Stevenage © 2025. All Rights Reserved.